Shari Sweeney
Okinawa, Japan.
Artist Development Fund recipient, 2022
See more of Shari's work on Adobe Stock
“There is a wave happening where Black, Indigenous, and People of Color are unapologetically showcasing great pride in their food, traditions, and presence in this life. I’m proud to be part of this movement!”
Meet Shari
Shari Sweeney (she/her) is a self-taught photographer, writer, and publisher based in Okinawa, Japan. She has a devout love for food, mindful living, and life’s beautiful moments, which are the central focus of her blog, “A Certain Aesthetic.” As a Black woman blogging about food and lifestyle, she noticed the lack of representation of Black, Indigenous, and people of color performing everyday rituals in all forms of visual media. This inspired her to create photographs and videos of herself performing everyday tasks like preparing and serving meals.
Shari’s hands became a core visual focus in her storytelling of recipes and self-care rituals. This
inspired her commission project for Adobe’s Artist Development Fund titled “Hands of Change: Black and Brown Hands Shown in Everyday Living Rituals.” While weaving in the Taste of Heritage, Beliefs and Rituals, and Healing Reflections creative briefs, her goal is to capture
masterful visuals that tell a grand story of life from her unique perspective. Shari says, “It is my hope that my work can help people tell their stories in a format that is truly rich, artful, and inclusive. This, in turn, furthers the visual narrative that every day, we all do the same ordinary and extraordinary things.”
See this portfolio on Adobe Stock