Healing Reflections
Adobe Artist: Anna
Yet, there is also defiance and hope, as people everywhere are taking these moments of darkness to center themselves around what is most important. Throughout all forms of visual media, we’re seeing themes of regeneration, rebirth, and a newfound value placed on healing and loving the self as a vital step towards greater happiness and connection with others.
In this creative brief, we invite you to explore the many ways we journey inward to soothe the wounds of our psyches—and how we express and experience healing through physical practice. Today, “self care” is a concept as inescapable as it is personal, and visuals should accurately depict the true range of people, cultures, ages, and practices it includes.
Adobe Artist: McKinsey Jordan - Stocksy
Adobe Artists: Mecoh Bain, Ana Luz Crespi - Stocksy, Jovo Jovanovic - Stocksy & Jerilyn Guerrero
Need some more inspiration? Here are some angles to consider. Pick one and run with it or explore your own unique vision of self care and connected healing.
View the inspiration gallery
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Intimate glimpses in serene places; contemplative moments of self-care and self-soothing; conceptual images of healing rituals; meditation—images that allude to all the ways we quietly nurture ourselves and our health, in body and mind.
Adobe Artist: Mecoh Bain
Adobe Artist: Tetra Images
Training, running, lifting, playing—fitness imagery that spans popular and niche activities; solo, group and team sports. These images reflect the endurance, persistence, and empowerment of physical activity, inclusive of all body and skin types, ages, genders, and abilities.
Contemporary approaches to mental wellbeing and self care incorporate an expanding mix of old and new, blending influences, learnings, and family traditions from different cultures, regions, and disciplines. These images hold space for all the angles from which we approach wholeness.
Adobe Artist: Kristen Curette Photography LLC/Stocksy
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