Teri Hofford
Winnipeg, Canada
Artist Development Fund recipient, 2022
See more of Teri's work on Adobe Stock

“It has been proven time and time again that seeing representation of oneself in the media is paramount to improved self-esteem, confidence, and belonging. My project is determined to create a positive impact between the viewer and the subject. The Perfectly Natural Revolution is all about breaking the societal beauty standard box and redefining beauty standards, one image at a time.”
Meet Teri
Teri Hofford (she/her) is a body image educator, photographer, author, and podcast host from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada who specializes in encouraging people to challenge their body image biases and beliefs so that they can move closer to body and self-acceptance. By combining her love for neuroscience and psychology with her passion for art, photography, and education, Teri uses her various platforms to educate people on how to identify where their own body image is impacting the imagery they create and consume—and how it contributes to the larger narratives about bodies and identities.
Teri realized that she had an opportunity to continue to diversify the media through stock photography, giving a platform to bodies like hers —and unlike hers—that are rarely seen in advertising and publishing. Teri seeks to improve the representation of marginalized bodies through her Perfectly Natural Revolution project, which invites participants to show up and own their authenticity while bringing them into the fine art world. “It has been proven time and time again that seeing representation of oneself in the media is paramount to improved self-esteem, confidence, and belonging,” she says. “My project is determined to create a positive impact between the viewer and the subject. While we have seen a shift in the bodies represented in the media, we are still seeing them being forced into the societal beauty standard box. The Perfectly Natural Revolution is all about breaking the box and redefining beauty standards, one image at a time.”

See this portfolio on Adobe Stock