
Photoshop on iPad

Take your creativity to new places with Photoshop on the iPad.

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Try a tutorial to get started.


Get to know Photoshop on iPad

Discover where tools and features are located and learn essential shortcuts.

Create an amazing high-contrast look

Lighten and darken parts of a photo non-destructively with adjustment layers.

Make a stunning composite

Learn how to combine two photos to create a mind-bending effect using layers.

Stay in sync with Photoshop on the iPad.

Access your work from anywhere with Cloud documents that automatically sync across all your devices.


Artwork by Temi COKER

Tap into the power of layers.

View, create, and edit layers on your iPad with a tap of the finger or the touch of your Apple Pencil. Easily organize and navigate your workspace with both a compact and detailed view.

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Brush up on your design skills.

Photoshop on the iPad lets you choose from hundreds of brushes to get exactly the look you want. Find brush packs from top artists — or create custom brushes that are uniquely you.

Get inspired by stunning community creations.



Anastazi ­Li

Christine Ricks

Ahmed Nasser

Ewan Henry

Flora Borsi

Explore other mobile apps in your plan.


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Built for the latest stylus and touch devices, Adobe Fresco delivers a completely natural painting and drawing experience.

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Lightroom for mobile

Edit and organize photos with the power of Lightroom in the palm of your hand. Pro-level editing tools ensure you never miss a photo-worthy moment.

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Photoshop Express

Create anywhere with Photoshop Express. Edit images, transform a look with a single tap, and make collages to share with your friends.