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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

2. Edit file
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
- A list item for test
- Another list item here

Section title
Digital tools have for some time been a major part of the product design process. 2D graphic design tools, such as Adobe Illustrator, are of course established tools to facilitate the creation of layouts. Here, however, we’ll examine how 3D tools can complement 2D designs, facilitating workflows and boosting efficiency when developing an entire range of products – for designers, communication teams, and even publishers.
3D tools can complement 2D designs, in that texturing and digital visualization provide enormous potential for efficient development and iteration around a complete lineup of books and editions. A designer of a visual lineup can share creations with a 3D artist directly, greatly facilitating the creation of visuals for an e-commerce or retail platform.
Using the Substance toolset, we were able to test out a much simpler workflow. We avoided the endless iterative loops of a real-scale layout of the product line, work that would have been required to verify and validate the layout and finishes on a book. Details such as the position of a composition; whether or not it is printed, recessed, or embossed; whether elements are glossy or matte, and so on.
Of course, this collection of materials is even more striking with the models released on the platform. Check out a selection of the edition and book meshes available right now on the platform.

Design a stunning logo more easily.
See how to go from a rough sketch to a beautiful logo with Adobe Illustrator.

Create scalable text effects.
Try using Adobe Illustrator to transform text in completely scalable way.

Make a better business card.
Design a business card that’s 100-percent ready for print with Adobe Illustrator.

Make the most of your plan.
Take advantage of your membership by exploring the full power of Creative Cloud Teams.

Get the VIP treatment.
The Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) empowers organizations to put the right products in the right hands.